My order has come up as a High Risk order? Print

  • 8

If you have ordered a service from us and you get the following message:

"Our system has detected a high risk of fraud for your order due to the information you entered. This can be due to mis-match of information to the details entered and IP address details. Your order has been blocked but can be set to pending by contacting our sales / billing team using the contact form or opening a support ticket."

What to do:

If your order has been blocked do not worry, this does not mean we won't process your order. Contact us by opening a support ticket with your details and our team will set the order as 'Pending' and send an email based invoice to confirm your order ready for payment.

Will it happen again?

Once you have become an active customer with us and you have an active product with us (current / past active product) you will be set as an active customer automatically.

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