CFML Compatibility Print

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Railo tries to adhere the CFML standard as good as possible, Still there are some differences like missing tags and functions or a slightly different behavior. This page and the ones below should describe the incompatibilities.

Language incompatibilities

The following Tags and Functions are not supported by Railo in its current Open Source version:

  • Tags
    cfapplet, cfgrid*, cfreport, cftree, cfformitem, cfformgroup, cftextarea, cfexchange*, cfpresent*, cffeed, cfpod, cflayout*, cfmenu*, cfprint, cfreport*, cfslider, cfsprydataset, cftooltip, cfcalendar, cfpdfform, cfpdfformparam, cfpdfsubform, cfNTauthenticate
  • Functions
    isDDX, isPDFFile, precisionEvaluate, getSOAP*, getGatewayHelper, sendGatewayMessage, getPrinterInfo, queryConvertForGrid, verifyClient, ajax*, dotNetToCFType

createObjec: no support for type corba and .NET

decrypt/encrypt: no support for arguments IVorSalt and iterations

rand: no support for "IBMSecureRandom" algorithm

xmlTransform: no support for argument parameters

If you find any others that are not listed above please do contact us so we can update our list as well as contact the Railo development team.

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