Transfer your website to WordPress Print

  • Wix, Migration
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Migrating a website from Wix to WordPress involves several steps. Wix is a closed platform, meaning it doesn’t provide an easy export option for your content, unlike WordPress. However, with careful planning, you can migrate your posts, pages, images, and other media. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

Step 1: Prepare for the Migration

  1. Select a WP hosting package:

  2. Install WordPress:

    • Use our one-click WordPress installation tools via cPanel or DirectAdmin control panels. Follow the instructions provided by your host to set up a new WordPress site.
  3. Backup Your Wix Website:

    • While you cannot export your Wix site directly, take screenshots of your pages, and save any important data or images that may be required during the migration process.

Step 2: Export Content from Wix

Since Wix doesn’t offer a direct export feature, you’ll need to migrate your content manually or use a workaround.

  1. Manual Copying:

    • Posts and Pages: Copy the text content from each post or page in Wix and paste it into the WordPress editor. You can format the content using the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg).
    • Images and Media: Download images from Wix manually by right-clicking and saving them to your computer. Then, upload them to your WordPress media library.
  2. Automated Method (RSS Feed):

    • If your Wix site has a blog, you can try exporting the blog posts via an RSS feed:
      • Generate RSS Feed: In your Wix site, you can usually access the RSS feed by adding /feed.xml to the end of your blog URL (e.g.,
      • Import to WordPress: Go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Tools > Import, and select the RSS option. Upload the RSS feed to import your blog posts.

    Note: This method works only for blog posts and may not import images correctly.

Step 3: Set Up Your WordPress Theme

  1. Choose a Theme:

    • Select a WordPress theme that closely matches the design of your Wix site. You can browse free and premium themes in the WordPress repository or through third-party marketplaces like ThemeForest.
  2. Customize the Theme:

    • Use the WordPress customizer (under Appearance > Customize) to adjust your theme’s colors, fonts, and layout to resemble your Wix site. You may also need to install plugins to add additional functionality.

Step 4: Recreate Pages and Posts

  1. Create Pages:

    • In WordPress, go to Pages > Add New to create new pages. Copy and paste the content from your Wix pages and format it using the block editor.
  2. Create Posts:

    • For blog posts, go to Posts > Add New and do the same. Ensure the formatting is consistent with your old site.
  3. Upload Images:

    • Upload the images you saved from Wix to your WordPress media library by going to Media > Add New. Then, insert them into your posts and pages.

Step 5: Set Up Permalinks

  1. Configure Permalinks:
    • Ensure that your URLs on WordPress match those from your Wix site for SEO purposes. In WordPress, go to Settings > Permalinks and choose a structure that resembles your Wix URLs, like /blog-post-title/.
  2. Redirect Old URLs (If Changing):
    • If your new WordPress URLs are different from Wix, set up 301 redirects from your old URLs to the new ones. You can use plugins like Redirection to do this.

Step 6: Install Essential Plugins

To replicate Wix functionality and improve your WordPress site, consider installing the following plugins:

  1. SEO Plugin: Install Yoast SEO or Rank Math to optimize your content for search engines.
  2. Contact Form Plugin: Use WPForms or Contact Form 7 to create contact forms.
  3. Caching Plugin: Install W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache to improve site speed.
  4. Security Plugin: Use Wordfence Security or Sucuri to protect your site from threats.

Step 7: Finalize and Test

  1. Preview and Test:

    • Before making your new WordPress site live, preview all pages and posts to ensure everything looks and functions as expected.
    • Check all internal links, images, and forms to ensure they work correctly.
  2. SEO and Analytics:

    • Install an SEO plugin and ensure your site is properly optimized for search engines.
    • If you were using Google Analytics on your Wix site, install the MonsterInsights plugin or add your tracking code directly to your WordPress site.
  3. Go Live:

    • Once you’re satisfied with the migration, make your new WordPress site live by pointing your domain from Wix to your new hosting service. Update the DNS settings in your domain registrar to point to your new WordPress hosting.

Step 8: Monitor and Adjust

  1. Monitor Site Performance:

    • Keep an eye on your site’s performance and traffic through tools like Google Analytics and Search Console.
  2. Regular Maintenance:

    • Ensure that your WordPress site is regularly updated (themes, plugins, and core) to avoid security vulnerabilities.


Migrating a site from Wix to WordPress requires manual effort, but it allows for greater flexibility, control, and scalability. By carefully following these steps, you can ensure a smooth transition and take full advantage of WordPress's powerful features. Remember, if you're not comfortable with some of these tasks, hiring a professional developer to assist with the migration may be a worthwhile investment.

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